Saturday, July 01, 2006

The self-defense kickboxing class that kicks our butts

Today Tim and I started a self-defense kicking boxing class. It meets for somewhere between 1.5 and 2 hours each Saturday at 10:30am. We arrive at the proper room at the Y, and see a bunch of big beefy men waiting. My instincts say "Run, Run, Run..."

Then a guy comes up to us and asks if we are here for the SDKB class. We say "yeah..." very sheepishly. He tells us that a lot of people in the class are repeaters, and soon we'll blend right in.

Yeah right.

Up until today, I was feeling pretty good about my level of fitness. Tim and I had gotten soft while in DC last year and in our first months back in MA. We joined the Y in February. We love it. And on some machines, I can now lift 100% more than I used to be able to. I still need to lose weight, but I've got some strength...I've especially seen improvement in my upper body strength, which is exactly what I am aiming for...getting ready to haul Isabella around!

So, I've been doing cardio and nautilus 2-3 times a week. I've done some pretty heavy yardwork, and a little hiking. I started a Pilates class on Tuesday and lived (even if it hurts to laugh), and today I started SDKB.

And got my ass kicked. My leg muscles were shaking. In some of the circular kicks, my range was about 1/3rd of the goal. And then we did (or in my case, didn't do), something called the iron bridge. This involves laying flat on your back, putting your hands behind your head, palms flat on the floor, fingers pointed back toward you. Now push up. Your back creates an arch, and all that supposed to be on the floor are your palms and feet. Oh yeah, and you are supposed to hold this position for a while, as the instructor counts off in CANTONESE!

Except my head never made it completely off the floor.

Then there were kicking and punching drills with a partner. Your partners holds various pads, and you kick and punch at them in a specific sequence. What fun! Kicking and punching at my spouse! I tried to motivate Tim when it was his turn by mentioning some of my endearing traits...Funny how he almost actually hit my chin a few times, which is above the padded area.

Seriously though, it was FUN. Painful, embarrassing fun, but fun nevertheless. I now know the difference between a jab and a straight.

Tim and I had a conversation recently about goals, and one of my personal goals (and something I think benefits the marriage) is to always be challenging myself with something new. I like the idea that Tim would do this as well...I always want us to be growing both as individuals and as a couple...I always want to be learning new things about myself and my husband. So this fits the bill.

If we survive. We checked to see if there was a senior citizen version of this class, but alas, there was not.


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