Thursday, June 01, 2006

What's the hold up?

Believe it or not, I am not referring to the long wait for my daughter. I am wondering why I cannot get my act together with the nursery. We painted it in the fall, and there are books and toys on her built in book shelves, and clothes in the closet. But I still have a bunch of boxes and other stuff on the floor of the nursery.. Old CDs. Clothes that USED to fit in my immediate post-separation, depressed stage. Some office/work related junk. Some of Tim's junk. A vacuum cleaner. It goes on and on.

I thought I would clean it out when our nursery furniture was due to arrive...the nursery furniture we ordered in February. But oh yeah, wait, our furniture company, Boston Baby, went out of business. I remember my friend Cheryl calling me on one afternoon and telling me...I laughed like a hyena. It was just so fitting that after all the delays, this should happen. So now we have a bunch of junk in the nursery, no furniture, and no furniture on order. No stroller, no high chair, no exersaucer, no pack 'n play.

There was a time when I bought baby stuff like crazy...a couple of bedding sets, children's books, clothes, etc. But I just stopped...because it felt ridiculous. I look at those 6-9 month summer clothes and my heart breaks. The weird thing is that, at that rate we are going, Isabella may actually fit into them...next summer. It's entirely possible that we may not bring our girl home until Spring 2007.

I don't know what my problem is. I still think I have the "crib fear" I wrote about before we ordered our never to be furniture...that seeing a fully set up nursery sit empty for months, with no clear end in sight will kill me. And the boxes o' junk? Well, they just make me look like a crappy housekeeper.


Blogger Sparky said...

I hear ya. Our nursery is set up and I really really thought that seeing that room every day with no baby in it would send me right over the edge but it hasn't. Surprisingly, I find comfort in waking up and looking down the hall to that little crib every morning. It sort of makes this seem real to me.
If you want a friends & family coupon (10% off) from the place I work I can get one for you. They have the same cribs that Boston Baby carried. I can research pricing when you are ready if you are interested. Just let me know.

I'm getting good vibes about this wait. The suff on RQ and both my mom and I had very vivid dreams about getting our referral this week. I think things are going to start speeding up.

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on you can do it I know you can, get that crib back on order!

Trust me it is way, way better to have everything ready too early rather than bringing your baby home to a crib (sans bedding) put together less than 2 weeks before you fly to China. The L Monster STILL doesn't have any window treatments in her room (as certain bloggers can confirm).

It will make it so much less stressful when you finally get into the "OMG we're going to China" countdown. I understand the reluctance to be surrounded by all things baby when you don't have the flipping baby yet but I honestly don't think it will make the wait any worse - I mean the wait sucks with crib or without and I think you might find like Ms. Sparky that actually it brings a smile to your face .

Oh and we want photos!

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you got caught in that mess with Boston Baby. I had a friend, who almost didn't get a wedding dress in time becuase of the same problem. Have you reported it to the DA? My friend actually tracked down her dress through the manufacturer. Let me know if I can help.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey fellow Nov. LIDer!
I agree that putting the crib up really does bring some comfort. It's also one less thing to worry about when we finally get that referral (even if it's this time next year------------>that's the pessamist typing).

11:01 PM  

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