Sunday, July 09, 2006

Simple Things

I've been feeling pretty out of sorts lately. I sometimes feel like that hamster on the wheel...you all know that feeling. The sense of running hard and getting nowhere. Of just not being where you want to be.

However, one of the things that I really love about our little life is our dogs. It's funny, because I had never had a dog of my own as a child. Indie (the bichon) was my first one, and within moments of having her with me, it was all over. I was utterly in love, and felt this fierce desire to take care of her no matter what. And then Tim came along, and then Buca (the schnauzer). It's a great joy to see Tim with the dogs. It makes me proud to be his wife, even if I want to hit him over the head for some other reason. And it makes me feel, on some fundamental, gut level, that Tim will be an excellent father.

This morning we intended to go to one state conservation area for a "canine stroll", but unfortunately, we couldn't find the entrance to the area, or any canines. So, we ended up at one of our old standbys. Buca has never really been in the water much, but Tim attempted to get him used to it. Indie will dip herself in to cool down. And today, after her little run in the water, she decided to rub herself all over the muddy bank. The morning activities concluded with two doggie baths.

Another nice bit in the past week has been that I finally got to talk to my friend A., the new father to whom I had sent the email, explaining my concerns about being around he and his family at the same time I was around another friend's family of four, with another biological child on the way. And he got it. Which made me thankful for him, as others who don't know me judged my feelings much more harshly. In the end, all I really care about is that Tim understands and A. understands. That is good enough for me.

So, in the midst of a lot of frustration right now with work, with the adoption process, with the seemingly endless yardwork we still have to do, and all that, I am feeling grateful...for my husband, for my dogs, for my friends.


Blogger Johnny said...

Although it is considered "heathen talk", I can affirm that being parents of dogs is great prep for being parents of a child.

Poop is poop!

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We used our cats constantly as a source of child-prep. When our daughter came home, it was something of a shock. She never once scratch us and turned her nose up at catnip!


Actually, we did shove one of our cats into the Baby Bjorn child carry-system-thing. He looked rather pathetic and hung around, in a real sense, for about 5 minutes until he decided he had enough.

That's what the wait drove us to do!

By the way, great choice on names and on agencies!


8:05 PM  

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