Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Snot Monster.

This is my husband's new nickname for me. Lovely, isn't it? Can you see why I love being married to him? Despite the nickname, I am slowly starting to be presentable to the outside world. My hearing is still affected, but not terribly...I can hear Tim's terms of endearment, unfortunately!

On Friday I left the house to go to the post office (woo hoo), walked the dogs around the entire block, and did some dreaded grading. On Saturday I went to the gym in the morning. When I came home, I needed a nap, which I took while Tim grocery shopped. Later that evening we met up with friends Howard and Caryn for dinner, and got to tour their new apt. This morning was an exciting trip to Barnes and Noble, Pier 1 Imports and Linens and Things. I spied what I thought were some great looking tea cups at Pier 1, and proceeded to haul 4 of them to the cash register. Then the clerk tells me "Uh, those aren't cups...they are candleholders...see here how this label says they might be poisonous?". Apparently, they have lead in them.

Now, can you see why I thought they were tea cups?!

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This leads Tim to say the following on the way out to the car:

"What are you tryin' to do, poison me, woman?
Uhh, Tim stupid.
Tim don't know why".

Yep, you can see why I love him. Mmmm.

Now, back to the dreaded grading...


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