Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Icky, Icky Girl.

Remember when you were a kid, and stayed home sick from school? When you were sick, but not REALLY sick? I do. OK, there were a few times when I was really really sick...pneumonia, mono, chicken pox and all that fun stuff. But for the most part staying home from school meant two things:

1. I could read as much as I wanted by bribing my brother to go to the nearby library and get more books for me. Heck, the librarian there knew me so well, he could pick out books for me.

2. TV and more TV. I am talking the Love Boat, folks. How great was that show?

So, on Friday, I was thinking "OK, I'm sick...I'll chill in front of the TV, and in a few days I'll feel OK and get back to my life". Friday came. Saturday came. Sunday came. It was the most boring weekend ever. I couldn't get into TV and I was too sick to read. I even stayed off the Internet. I have been sleeping in the guest room because I am so gross that I don't want to be near my husband...or infect him.
My new diet consists of ginger ale, tea, oatmeal, soup and a lot of NyQuil.

Monday I broke down and asked Tim to drive me to the doctor's. Except I forgot the exact road my doctor's office was on. Rte 9, Rte 16, same thing, right? Long story short, I've got an ear infection...and now I've got antibiotics, so hopefully I'm on the mend. I did not think it was possible for one human being to contain so much mucus.

My big decision is whether I want to attempt a day long session tomorrow on the new online course management system the Univ. is adopting. Just when I had gotten the hang of the old one. Since I did not make it out of my PJs today, and am still walking around with my new accessory, the Kleenex box, I am not terribly optimistic.


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