Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ho Ho Ho!

I am feeling rather festive! We got our Christmas tree this weekend, and I decorated it this morning. Almost all my Christmas cards are written out, although I do have to run for stamps. Most of the gift shopping is done. Not wrapped, but hey, I am getting there. Classes are over. I only need to give my final, grade the finals, and read a bijillion papers. But I am getting there.

Friday night we had a wonderful evening with Luca and hubs, Sparky and hubs, and Kikalee and hubs. Luca has received a referral for the lovely Leah, and Sparky and Kikalee are on the cusp of receiving referrals for their daughters. It's all pretty amazing. There's a lot of joy floating around right now. We played the Danish dice game, and we totally scored, walking away with some gorgeous candles (thanks Kikalee) and a hooded ducky towel set (thanks Luca)for Isabella. I am feeling a little bad for Kikalee and hubs, who walked away with nothing for the second time, but Tim is not. We also received a bottle of wine all decked out in a beautiful dress from Kikalee and hubby. If you want to see a few pics, check out Danielle's blog. I won't go into who Danielle is because it's a little too strange.

Another amazing thing is how much I genuinely like all three women and their husbands. A lot of adoptive couples expect to feel a connection with other adoptive couples simply because both couples have adopted. I have no such expectations. But these three couples...wow. I would want to hang with them even if we weren't adopting. I just adore them. And the hubbys...don't get me started on them. Sweet, smart, and sensitive. All three are cute too. Love the hubbys. Of course, not as much as I love Tim*, but adore them.

One complaint: these couples make me feel highly inadequate in the kitchen. They all cook amazing meals. Unbelievable. Of course, I get to eat them, so I suppose I can't complain too much. Still, I am now, like, AFRAID to cook for them!

Sparky, Tim and I immediately logged onto stirrings.com and ordered the chocolate martini mix. Expect to see me in either an obesity clinic or rehab clinic soon.

I leave you with a picture taken yesterday outside our home. I hate the picture of me...no makeup, really old nerd glasses on, etc. And what is up with my forehead? Why do I have such a huge forehead? Seriously, I could tatoo a map of China on it. But the dogs had just been groomed, and will only look this good for say, a day. Also, I am wearing what Tim has dubbed my "Rocky Balboa" outfit...a big thick black hoody under a suede fleece coat. So, I punched him about 10 times in the arm for good measure. I'm not beautiful, but I AM strong.

*Tim made me say this.


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