Tuesday, April 18, 2006

5 Month LID Anniversary

Tim and I have now been logged in at the CCAA for 5 LONG months. We've been at this since February 2005.

I know there are those of you out there who have been logged in even longer (Cheryl and Bruce, Sparky and Bob, Kikalee and Rich). These have been the longest 5 months EVER, and I wonder how I will make it through the coming, seemingly endless months. It's very hard to be counting down to a date that keeps getting pushed out. It seems like a meaningless countdown.

Here are the latest rumors flying around the web:
"The wait from log in date to referral is expected to increase beyond 12 months".
"The next batch of referrals will contain log-in dates from May 31-June 6th".

Latest prediction from Tim and me:
"By the time we get Bella, she will be in diapers and we'll be in diapers".

I could write about how hard this feels sometimes, how I sometimes want to crawl into bed with a sign posted on me that says "Wake me up when the referral comes". How I honestly believe I have a physical yearning for my child.

But I have a feeling that many of my readers already know all about that...



Kidding, folks, kidding.


For those of you headed over to our place on Saturday, let me know if I start slurring my words!


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