Monday, February 06, 2006

Some more from Isabella's Closet

Since referrals started slowing down, I have actually CALMED down in my clothes buying for Isabella But she has received a few new things in the past few months, and it's time for me to catch up posting them.

I love Gymboree's "Paper Lanterns" lines. It's discontinued now, but I have bought lots of items with tags from Ebay. Tim and I have sold some things (old CDs, DVDs, and books) on Ebay recently, so that's helped a lot.

Why do I love the Paper Lantern Line? Yes, it looks Asian. But I also just love the colors...light green with purple. I give myself permission to buy any item I can find from this line as long as it is sized 6-9 months or larger. Here's one item I've bought recently.

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Another outfit I bought recently (also from Ebay) is an item from Gymboree's "My Best Friend" line. It's got a dog, people. Of course, I had to get it.

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Carla came over last night, and bought an outfit for Bella with her. Why? I have no idea. That's just the kind of thing Carla does! Here it is:

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My rationale with having clothes that may not fit Bella is:

1. I can always leave them in China for the orphanage, or for another adoptive family. There may be a family in our travel group that needs the sizes we have.

2. I can always give them to a friend...Andy and Nicole's daughter may be just about right to fit into some of them.

3. I can try to sell them on Ebay.

4. I can always donate them to an organization here in MA.

So, the way I see it, no great losses!


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