Friday, January 27, 2006

Babies R' Us Blues

Since my back issues have flared up recently, I have to take a lot more breaks from the computer when I am supposed to be spending the entire day on the computer doing research on my non-teaching days. Standing and lying down are good...sitting with my legs straight out isn't too bad. Sitting in a chair...bad.

I sound like an old geezer ratting off my health woes, so let me move on.
Today I decided to go to Babies R' Us to buy a bib for the bib swap I am participating in with the October 2005 DTC group. I received a beautiful bib yesterday, and I am feeling bad for being a slacker. And Babies R' Us is near PetSmart, and Indie and Buca were in need of more Science Diet.

This was the first time I had been in Babies R' Us without Tim. Normally we go, pick out what we need for a shower, birth or birthday party, and Tim starts making a beeline for the registers as soon as possible. I think he's afraid I might go wild with our credit cards otherwise. Where he gets that idea I cannot fathom.

So, here I am in Babies R' Us, unencumbered by hubby. I can look to my heart's content. I can even buy for Isabella. And you know what? I wasn't into it. I can't really say why. I think seeing parents shopping with their babies and toddlers, as well as seeing very pregnant women shopping, made me sad. Not because I am not waddling around or struggling to stop little ones from "re-organizing" the store shelves, but because these folks seemed to either already be parents or knew with a fair degree of certainty when they would be parents. I didn't see a single non-pregnant woman without kids in the store. I felt out of place. And I felt weird buying anything for Isabella when we are so uncertain about when she will finally join us. Of course, this has never stopped me before. This future daughter of ours already has a better wardrobe than me (I still have more shoes though. Ha!). But today it did. Strange. So I bought a few bibs and a few things for the Secret Pal Swap that has started in the Nov. 2005 DTC group. Then I left and headed over to PetSmart. I do have dogkids!

So Indie got a new purple fleece jacket for cold weather, Buca got a shorter leash (in our so far largely insuccessful attempts to turn him into a dog that consistently heels rather than pulls), and they also got a few new dogs toys (no fleece or plush toys since Buca eats those) and I bought a Schnauzer calendar that was 75% off for Tim. When I came home, Indie and Buca got an extra long walk. I had some tea, lit a candle, and got on the laptop while sititng up with my legs straight out on the couch. I listened to a Cat Stevens CD. And ya know what? I feel better.

Until Tim gets home, surveys the new dog loot, and I have to tell him that Indie and Buca went shopping again. Damn dogkids.


Blogger Eileen said...

I know how you felt in Babies R Us. It took the longest time for me not to feel really weird shopping there or in the baby section of other stores! During my long years of infertility I bought many a baby gift for other people and every time I went to the baby department I felt like I had a big sign on my forehead - INFERTILE. So it was weird at first but then it got easier and more and more fun! And then after we got Lindsey and I went back in those same places *with* her, it was neat to think about all the times I went before and now I had her with me.

Well sorry for rambling! I can't wait for the day when you have your baby home!

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, speaking as a guy, I felt the same way the first time my wife and I went into a Babies R' Us. Luckily we don't have one in our home town and this was the one and only time we've been in a Babies R' Us. Felt a little depressing to be in one with all those pregnant mommies and mommies with toddlers. Never mind the odd dad or two with their wives and/or kids. We've stuck to the babies section of our local Macy's store during our lunch breaks. Much safer.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hey! =) It was SO NICE meeting you both tonight! I'm so sorry that Ruby and I couldn't stay longer... she just really needed to crawl into her toasty crib & sleep. Poor thing had a little too much excitement I think .LOL Anyhoo, again, so great to meet you both in person & hope we can do it again sometime, all of us, this time perhaps midday on a weekend so Ruby can be awake & party with us without being a grumpy-mc'grumperson. =) LOL


12:14 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

I know how you feel. When Me and my mom would go in babies r us people could obviously tell that neither one of us were pregnant but a couple of people did come up to us and asked if I was the lucky mom 2 be..OMG my mom freaked, it was hilerious. 17 years old at the time, lets just say it made my mom feel pretty old..lol..since then we have been sticking to internet purchases..

9:58 PM  

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