Thursday, January 19, 2006

CCAA Update

Normally I try not to speculate on what's going on with the China Center for Adoption Affairs (for non-adoptive families: CCAA-the Chinese government agency that oversees international adoptions). But recently they've started posting information about the referral process on the CCAA website. I've always had trouble reading it, but not surprisingly others in the adoption community are a lot more computer/web savvy than me, and I read what they've discovered. Everyone who has a log in date (LID) up to April 25th 2005 has received a referral. The newest news is that everyone who has a LID in June 2005 has had their dossier reviewed. This suggests that those dossiers are on their way to the matching room.

What does this mean for someone with a LID of November 15th? I have no idea. It will depend on how much Chinese New Year slows down the CCAA, and how many referrals the CCAA sends out at a time(a month's worth? two weeks worth? 5 days worth?) between now and when we receive our referral. But heck, progress is progress.

My current prediction is an August referral with October travel. But we all know that my predictions mean nothing. As much as I want Isabella home yesterday, we would be thrilled to have her home for the 2006 holidays.


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