Monday, July 09, 2007

Scraping by in July.

Lots of random little bits today.

I want to let readers of my personal blog on Typepad, "Finding Family",know that I have cancelled my Typepad account and deleted the blog. Right now, I am blogging just here, and eventually will switch to another blog on blogger after referral that will be by invite only. Again, if you would like to be invited, please email us at tammytimisabella@yahoo.com. I have been saving all the requests.

The cancellation of the Typepad account was prompted by a big financial summit SchnauzerKing and I had this weekend. Things have been rough, and I don't mean rough in a "we won't be able to take a Caribbean cruise this year" sort of way. I mean rough in a seriously "Yikes" kind of way, largely because we spent about 50% of our take home pay on our mortgage. This is not uncommon in expensive metro areas, but it certainly makes life less carefree. In addition, as many of my close friends know, my brother has been staying with us since the beginning of June, and so that entails some extra expense. One bad thing about growing up poor is that I tend not to panic until true disaster strikes. "Financial problems" to me means public housing, food stamps, and being eligible for free school lunch. Right now, I feel lucky to have the house we have, which we love despite its challenges. I feel lucky to have a decent job and a reliable car, and to be able to eat fresh produce. So disaster has not yet struck by any means, and because of that I have been living in a bit of denial, me thinks. With the upcoming adoption trip and the added expense of raising a daughter, big time financial problems could arise if we don't have our finances under control, and we simply cannot let that happen. SK and I spent a lot of time talking about "nice to haves" vs. "necessities". And so, no more $8.95/month for Typepad.

This weekend we also decided to undertake an item on our home repair "to do" list. We painted Isabella's room a light yellow (Straw by Benjamin Moore)eons ago, and the room has warm white trim called "Swiss Coffee" (also Benjamin Moore). We are happy with this combination. The problem is because we did not scrape before we painted the trim, the paint began to peel around the door frame to her room. Just a few spots, but things have not gotten so bad that we want our daughter to start eating paint flakes. So we decided to scrape all the door frames, and some of the doors, on the second floor as close down to the bare wood as possible. We also decided to repaint the walls in the second floor hallway, getting rid of the dull light blue/gray color that is there, using a color called "French Lilac" (also Benjamin Moore). I think this will all look terrific once it is done. The bad news is that I did not realize how much work and mess all this scraping would entail. Because I have asthma, I have to wear a mask while doing it, which gets pretty damn hot. Paint chips and dust everywhere. Thank God for the shop vac. And we are nowhere near done. I also discovered that if I scrape paint for 4 or 5 hours straight, I will barely be able to lift my arms the next day (translation: I am very out of shape). It's all very depressing.

On the up side, in four or five weeks, I expect we will see our daughter's photographs, know how old she is, know where she is living. And that is everything. The only thing I've ever been completely sure of in life is that I wanted to be a mother. I am going to be a mother. How fortunate am I?



Blogger mom of 3 so far said...

Been there, LIVING that, with the financial thing, as you well know, so I understand what you are going through!!

You forgot the biggest plus with scraping and repainting. Yes, your arms are sore but think of the workout they are getting BEFORE Isabella comes home. You will be ready to hold that baby girl for as long as you want now!!!

Counting the weeks with you till you see Bella's face!!!


8:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It seems we live our life skirting financial disaster. I know exactly what you mean.

Trust me on this point. You will be very grateful for any arm strengthening you do now. My arms hurt so badly in China. Even my wrists were sore.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Elisa...life as we know it. said...

Financial stuff...uggh.
I am panicking too...when you get your referal you will see that you just go into spending mode!

Anyway on the ggod side you only have about 4 weeks to go till you see your sweet baby's face!

12:47 PM  
Blogger kitchu said...

WOW, your time is right around the corner (and it's ABOUT time, huh?). I know what you mean about finances- constant battles!

2:39 PM  
Blogger Deb and Sean said...

Oh you are so definitely next ... and that is an exciting place to be! The first 3 weeks will fly, but you will be on the edge of your seat for a long week or 2!

10:17 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

You are not the only one out there with financial problems.. Everyone has them unless they are just darn right RICH..
Which I always say.. I am going to WIN the Lottery..
But look at this.. You are NEXT... and I am so excited to see your sweet little Isabella.. And I would be honored if you would let me follow your journey when she is home..
That will make it where you are there to help me out when our time comes around.. that is a long time from now..
Hope things get better.. I will be thinking about you and praying for you..
Have a great week.

11:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I cant wait to see that photograph. I have loved your blog

11:46 PM  
Blogger Headmeister said...

Just found you in the comments of another blog. I read this post and found a little of myself in it. Growing up with literally nothing, things have to get REALLY bad before I say "uh oh". so I completely understand where you're coming from. My husband on the other hand, panics just thinking of the possibility of something happening that we might need mega bucks for. Me? I usually just shrug and say "we'll do it, don't worry", and I truly don't worry.

I'm glad I found your blog, just in time to see your impending referral!

Be well,
LID 12-29-06

9:12 PM  

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