Sunday, May 14, 2006

What you find on the net when you're an insominiac

I've been up since about 2:30 am. This is not uncommon, sadly. But it does give me a chance to catch up on blogs people have recommended to me. I've stumbled upon some bloggers that are women in academia. Thus, a new section of links is born on the right sidebar..."It's Academic". When I am bitc...um, complaining, about university life, Tim often tells me I should start a blog about being a young female tenure track economist. Mmmm. I am thinking...snoozefest. And let's face it, there's only so many hours in the week I can devote to blogging, and isn't my Taylor Hicks/American Idol blog more important? Me thinks so.

So, my nerdy little Ph.D. friends out there can entertain yourselves with "It's Academic".


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