Thursday, October 27, 2005

Scary incident

So, we have a pit bull that lives across the street. No big deal...I happen to think pit bulls can be OK dogs. Funny thing is her name is Bella. Well, today about 3pm I went out for a walk with Indie and Buca. I saw Bella down the street, but the little boy that lives in Bella's house was with her, so I figure she's leashed. Then I see Bella running up the street towards our little guys and realized she's not leashed. I didn't try to run, thinking that would make things worse.

Indie was closer, and Bella was headed towards her. Bella reached Indie, and was on her, but I managed to pick Indie up pretty quickly. The little kid started running up the street. Then Bella gets on Buca, who immediately submitted. I don't think Bella was actually trying to hurt Buca, but Bella is rough and Buca is crying on his back, with Bella on top of him, mouthing him. I scream and yell "Bella, get off, get off". I am trying to pick Buca up (while holding Indie and untangling Buca's leash from underneath Bella) and the little kid is trying to get Bella off. Finally, Bella's owner (the little kid's mom) comes out, starts yelling at Bella, and smacks her on her bottom...she finally got off Buca. The little kid was very upset, and kept asking if Buca was OK. He's a nice little boy...maybe 9 or 10. Some electricians were working in the house next to us, and they came out and inquired about the dogs. They seemed pretty angry and weren't surprised that a pit bull was unleashed and had gone after our dogs.

I headed in with both dogs, cleaned them up, and checked them. They were unharmed, but shook up. I called Tim...he was furious. He called animal control, and they asked for me to call them. They are familar with Bella, since her owners have a habit of tying her up in their yard for long periods of time. I guess they will be issued a citation for having an unleashed dog.

It's awkward. We are new in the neighborhood, and I think these folks are basically OK people. And I know it can be hard to get your dog to behave even if they have been trained...my guys still jump on people when they walk in the door or first meet them on the street. This is why we contain them when we have new people over, and leash them when they are outside, even though they are all of 12 and 25 pounds.

Later, the little boy and mom came over to apologize. I really don't think Bella's a bad dog, but she's an incredibly strong dog and could really hurt someone without knowing it. The whole thing was scary in that I realized how quickly Indie or Buca could be really hurt. Also, I want to make sure that OUR BELLA will always be safe if I take her outside. I felt very powerless as I struggled to get Buca from underneath Bella the pit bull.

Tim is very angry...if he sees Bella's owners, he plans on telling them that he called the animal control people, and that if our dogs are ever hurt by Bella he plans on filing in civil court and asking for the dog to be destroyed.

Ugh. I am still trying to sit with all of this.


Blogger Lisa~~ said...

That is a very scary experience and I am happy to hear that everyone is ok and unharmed. I personally have very strong feelings regarding pitbulls and don't feel that they belong in hands of most people. No matter how friendly they can be, they can turn in a heartbeat and hurt not only other dogs, but children. Just me, but I wouldn't wait for for one of your dogs to be hurt, I'd be calling animal control each and everytime I saw Bella off leash. Sorry, shouldn't be preaching but I have seen first hand when a sweet family pitbull turns.

8:27 AM  

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